
The Sireni are born with a natural talent when it comes to Water magic, largely due to spending the majority of their life underwater. Being the one true race that can live underwater without any drawbacks, they are highly knowledgeable when it comes to understanding the ocean and its inhabitants.

Much like aquatic life such as whales they have a particularly keen sense of hearing making them skilled with sound magic.

Living underwater has resulted in the Sireni farming many plants and experimenting with their uses. Through those explorations they have discovered that there is a species of mushroom Psytherella that only grows in specific areas around Prata Neptunia and that they could use this mushroom to aid their dream magic.


A set of gills can be found on either side of the neck. Their eyes are slightly larger than other races, an evolution formed from generation upon generation living in the deep sea where light is scarse.

Magic Abilities

Description here.


About dream magic abilities.


About sound magic abilities.


With a large portion of the Sireni population living underwater it is no surprise that they are naturally talented when it comes to water magic. The Sireni are responsible for a majority of the research that has been completed on the oceans of Terrarum, which in part has greatly improved the knowledge around different water techniques that can be used.

Known Sireni

  • Name here.
  • Name here.
  • Name here.